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DLP® Products Drive Adoption of 1080p and BrilliantColor[TM] / Technology Through New Range Of Single Chip Projectors

Geschrieben am 31-08-2007

Hamburg (ots) -

- Affordable Price Points Attained for Projectors in the Home and

Today at the world's largest consumer electronics show - IFA -
Texas Instruments (TI) (NYSE:TXN) DLP® Products will demonstrate a
wide range of front projection products delivering superior picture
quality at lower price points. Leading manufacturing customers,
including Optoma and Toshiba, are announcing expanded DLP front
projector product lines featuring1080p resolution and DLP's signature
BrilliantColor[TM] technology. DLP Products has achieved nearly 50
percent market share of the worldwide front projection market and
expects more than 70 OEM products featuring BrilliantColor technology
to be on the market this year.

A large number of other new 1080p single-chip projectors with
BrilliantColor technology from leading brands including BenQ,
Infocus, Optoma, projectiondesign, Sharp, Sim2 and Marrantz are also
available on the market.

"DLP Products is dedicated to providing partners with outstanding
quality DLP chips for incorporation in their projectors" said Lars
Yoder vice president and business manager, TI's DLP Front Projection
Business. "We are delighted to be giving consumers a first look at
these projectors at IFA."

DLP For The Home

At IFA, Optoma is announcing its new DLP 1080p projector,
ThemeScene® HD80 for 2,999 euros (UK price £1999) giving consumers
greater flexibility and price options for high-definition home
theater. Optoma's newest projector offers 10,000:1 native contrast
ratio, two million pixel definition and BrilliantColor[TM] color
processing technology to produce high-definition images with greater
clarity for unrivalled light and shade details. Capable of operating
in brighter environments than most home cinema projectors, the 13,000
video optimized lumens create stunning, professional cinema-standard
brightness on a screen of up to 3.5m wide (158" diagonal) for
outstanding projector performance.

DLP For The Office

In addition to DLP products for the home cinema, there are also a
number of new products for business users. Up to now, minimum room
size has been a factor for projector presentations. Now Toshiba's new
EX20 and EW25 projectors usher in a new era with both models
featuring ultra-wide-angle Extreme Short Throw Projection (ESP)
technology, minimizing throw distance to a negligible 50 cm. In
addition, when these DLP projectors are ceiling-mounted their high
offset angle ensures that the speaker is not blinded by the lamp.

The growing proliferation of BrilliantColor technology from Texas
Instruments in projectors significantly enhances color reproduction
to help draw as much detail as possible from presentations. DLP's
BrillantColor technology utilizes up to six separate colors: red,
blue, green, cyan, yellow and magenta for a wider variety of
accurate, vibrant colors that won't fade over time. BrilliantColor
technology enables a 50 percent increase in brightness and expands
the color palette beyond the three basic colors offered by competing
technologies such as LCD.

Yoder continued, "Our customers have made tremendous improvements
with BrilliantColor technology and as a result, we have seen
significant adoption across a wide range of end products. With
increased color performance and unmatched total cost of ownership,
DLP is ideally suited to address the needs of customers and the
visual demands of consumers."

DLP Products booth will be located in Hall 26, booth number 218.

# # #

About Texas Instruments DLP Products

DLP display technology from Texas Instruments offers clarity down
to the most minute detail, delivering pictures rich with color,
contrast and brightness to large-screen HDTVs and projectors for
business, home, professional venue and digital cinema (DLP Cinema®).
50 of the world's top projection and display manufacturers design,
manufacture and market products based on DLP technology. DLP is the
only HDTV technology built from a foundation in the digital cinema
where it set the industry standard demonstrated by the deployment of
DLP Cinema technology in 4,500 theaters worldwide. At the heart of
every DLP chip is an array of up to 2.2 million microscopic mirrors
which switch incredibly fast to create a high resolution, highly
reliable, full color image. DLP technology's chip architecture and
inherent speed advantage provides razor-sharp images and excellent
reproduction of fast motion video. Since early 1996, more than 13
million DLP subsystems have been shipped. For more information,
please visit www.dlp.com .

About Texas Instruments:

Texas Instruments Incorporated provides innovative DSP and analog
technologies to meet our customers' real world signal processing
requirements. In addition to Semiconductor, the company includes the
Educational Technology business. TI is headquartered in Dallas,
Texas, and has manufacturing, design or sales operations in more than
25 countries.

Texas Instruments is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under
the symbol TXN. More information is located on the World Wide Web at
www.ti.com .

DLP and DLP Cinema are registered trademarks of Texas Instruments.

Originaltext: Texas Instruments DLP
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press kits via RSS: feed://www.presseportal.de/rss/pm_63154.rss2

European DLP® Press Office

c/o Weber Shandwick
Fiede Schillmöller
Kehrwieder 10
20457 Hamburg
Phone +49-40-35 74 60-27
At IFA: +49-172-458 24 02


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